Download Ben ritrovati a tutti. In questo mensile porteremo la nostra attenzione sull’ansia. Dedichiamo alcune righe per una prima analisi di essa e andiamo a creare un medesimo linguaggio per poterla capire quanto più a fondo possibile Iniziamo col fare delle...
Download Welcome back, everyone. In this month’s issue, we’ll turn our attention to anxiety. We dedicate a few lines for a first analysis of it and we are going to create the same language to understand it as deeply as possible Analysis ...
Download Welcome back, everyone. Today we will have the opportunity to address a fundamental issue in every person, self-esteem. We will touch on some fundamental points about its evolution and how to consider it from a different point of view, so that it evolves...
Download Welcome back, everyone. Let’s continue with the same theme addressed in the last monthly article, emotions. This time we immerse ourselves in anger. Culturally, it is seen as an emotion to be kept more under control than others because it can generate...
Download Once again, greeting to all the readers. This monthly article will give us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a key issue of psychology and humanity: emotions. We will try to lay the foundations of how they become fundamental in the interaction...